My week has been crazy.. Rats, sickness, divisions, Q'eqchi', etc. I decided to take my friend Aubrey's idea today and break it down to a daily scale... So welp.. Here's life!
Tuesday, February 24th, 2015
(1:30am) I can't sleep. It feels so hot and not even the fan on it's highest can quench my thirst for a nice cool breeze. I get up and go outside and sit on the patio for a bit. It feels nice but I yearn for that sweet Tracy wind I once knew. I go back inside and spread my blanket out on the cool cement floor and lay down. It feels much nicer on the cool floor. I soon fall asleep.
(2:00am) I hear a sound! A snap? It's a trap!!
We have been placing traps around the house trying to get rid of a rat infestation that we have.. The trap must have gotten one.
I hear the rat squealing and hear the trap scraping across the floor, banging against a empty jug of water we keep under the stove. Still half asleep I could have sworn it was coming closer to where I lay resting and I jump to a sitting position and let out a quite but still horrified screech which wakes up my companion.
I can't think straight! My mind is still half asleep and now half terrified which leaves me no room for normal thoughts! My mind races through all my worst rat fears.. The horrible rat Rachel Cole used to sick on me in its creepy little ball, stories of rats attacking people under dire circumstances and not to mention kolipoki getting the bottom of his feet chewn off in Tonga! I call for my companion knowing that even if I'm scared of rats he's Latino and is probably used to this kind of stuff.
He grabs a machete that he always keeps under his bed and his flash light and I grab a baseball bat, then we both go into the kitchen to look for the rat that we both assume should be
dead. As we look we hear rats running around above our heads and thoughts of Willard, Ben and Archimedes come flooding through my head ("rip it, tear it! Shred it!"). After looking for 5 minutes in the dark I'm almost positive that the rat took the trap back to it's place for a nice candlelight dinner but then we finally find the trap.. Empty.. Under the fridge.
My companion moves the fridge and with his flashlight bends over and pulls the trap from under the fridge. We both look at each other in horror and amazement.. when I see the rat behind him on TOP of the fridge.
I yell to him "Mira, mira!" ("Look, look") And right then the rat throws itself from the top of the fridge down to the floor as my companion turns. The small light of his flashlight seems worse than a strobe light as he turns around and I just see a glimpse of the rat coming for us. I let out a scream that I, in all honesty, wouldn't consider appropriate under my calling as an Elder (for all who know how I scream you'll understand exactly what I mean.), jump back and run for the other room as the rat climbs up the foot of my companion. My companion then let's out a sound very similar to mine and kicks the rat off his foot to a place where it magically disappears taking off to what I assume could only be a rats version of Narnia.
My companion assures me everything's fine for now and that the only logical thing we can do at 2am is go back to bed and sleep. Sleep?! Sleep is the last thing I could do at that very moment. I roll up my blanket and throw it on my bed. Laying down I still hold the bat firmly by my side. I try to sleep but my mind still races and I hear them.. They're not happy.
(4:00am) I fall asleep.
Wednesday, February 25th, 2015
(8:50pm) We arrive at home. We had just been informed by Edwin that because of a schooling event he will not be able to meet with us all week and also will not be baptized on Tuesday (what would have been tomorrow). I talk to my companion and we both wonder where his priorities might be placed. I understand that he's a teenager and that 95% of youth would consider school a high priority but I can't help but feel that if The Lord says scripture study is more important than sleep, baptism I somehow feel might be a LIITLE more important than a school event.. But we know he's a good kid and that he truly wants to be baptized so we're willing to let this kid exercise that good (central) American freedom of choice!
My companion doesn't want to break the news to the ZLs so the task falls upon me. I call them to inform them of the change in plans when out of the corner of my eye I see (well wouldn't you know it) a rat jumping from the top of the fridge towards a bar we use for doing pull-ups. His jump isn't sufficient and he falls to the ground *splat* determined not to fail (and maybe driven just a little by fear) he climbs the back of the fridge till he gets to the top and then jumps again.... *splat*. I pause in mid-sentence as I talk to the ZLs out of pure wonder and awe and watch this rat try again.. 3-4 times *splat* over and over. I call my companion to come look but as he comes in the rat finally makes it to the bar and escapes to the roof.
The ZLs are highly confused as to what's going on and while I try to explain to them my companion begins to wash dishes when out of nowhere *splash* ANOTHER rat falls from the ceiling into the pila where my companion is washing! We hang up with the ZLs and call one of the deacons in the branch to come and kill it for us.. We say its because as missionaries we're not allowed to kill animals but it probably is more because neither of us has it in us to kill one.
(9:45pm) As Carlos (the deacon) comes to rescue us, the rat tries to jump out of the pila but being a rat of small size (in comparison to the rest we've seen) it cannot escape. We take our typical "elder having an adventure" pictures (a must do in every situation you can) till finally Carlos arrives, exterminates the rat and takes its body to dispose of it.
Thursday February 26th, 2015
We had our district meeting today (Thursday) and the ZLs came over to do divisions with us. I had fun doing divisions and we did some finding and some Q'eqchi' visits.. I'm surprised how much (not very much at all) I can actually understand Q'eqchi' for not even studying or even speaking it! I mean neither me or my companion speak Q'eqchi' so heading out into our mountains to talk to the natives isn't something we do.. Our ZL on the other hand speaks it we'll so we took advantage of it and went to visit some members that we normally can't it was really fun!
That night we got back and the other area (who were doing visits with the other ZL) came over to finish our divisions.. I got a HUGE migraine which caused one of the ZLs to be a little worried.. Everyone said I looked really pale and honestly I felt like if! It was such a bad migraine that I broke into a cold sweat and was so close to vomiting.. But I did the only thing that gets rid of my migraines and I hit the sack early. Next morning I woke up fine and dandy.
I'm still trying to decide if sleep is important or not.. When I start to think it's not as important as the work I usually end up sick.. But I also can't over sleep either.. But the normal amount isn't working for me.. I feel so great when I wake up after a sick night cause they're the nights that I get the most sleep!
Friday, February 27th, 2015
(Happy 24th Birthday Logan!!!!)
Today I bought a hammock. It might have been an impulse buy but I feel like it's definitely worth it! It has red AND black and my comp was able to talk it down about Q120. I went straight home and hung it up. It's the perfect size for two!
Packing list:
Hammock - check
Up next - corte and weepil.
Later that day we were looking for opportunities to find news.. And even though we didn't get any news today I think we left that good first impression that could be the seed to them inviting the missionaries in one day in the future.
One such event was a young boy that we found playing alone in the dirt with some old cars. The last time we saw him playing cars he invited us to play with him for a bit but my old companion didn't want to and told him "next time". So this time I decided I'd keep my word. We got down in the dirt and made a city with roads and houses and a bridge and a rock quarry.. That kid was so happy to have someone play with him. Not only that but while we were playing some other kids came to see what all the fun was and decided to stay and play too! He who was once a lonely boy with no one to play with ended playing with 3-4 other kids. We left him a "he is the gift" card and a pass along card that has Christ on it for his mother who he said sent us her thanks.. Who knows. Maybe that kid will always remember the fun he had as a boy with two missionaries.. Maybe someday his whole family becomes members!
One other such occasion was while we were heading to an appointment and we were passing by the lake (alright I made us go a few blocks out of the way so we could walk by the lake to the appointment). As we passed by a group of teenagers they waved hi and me and my companion felt like we should talk to them, we did and they had some interesting questions! They didn't accept to listen to our message because they didn't think their parents would want them to (they were only 15) but we also gave them pass along cards and left them laughing and with a smile on their faces. I feel like after being able to talk to us in such a casual, friendly manner they'll also be willing to listen to the missionaries one day.
All in all today wasn't about reaping the harvest but more about planting the seeds.. We'll that.. And buying a hammock.
Saturday, February 28th, 2015
Today was different, definitely not your normal field day.
We left the house and as we were heading to an appointment we ran into a less active member of the church at the tortillaria around the corner from our place. I didn't exactly KNOW he was a member at first but I felt impressed to talk to him when he said hi to us.. People that say "hi elders" and aren't members are few and far between. We said hi and he said his name was Hno. Martín and he wanted to meet with us later that day.. The only free time we had was at 5pm and at 8:30pm and he said 5pm wasn't good so we left it for 8:30pm at that very tortillaria before he took his wife (who worked there) home. I invited him to go to church the next day with us and he said that he should be able to.. But that he wanted to talk to us about something.
Later that day we went to a visit we had planned with a new investigator we have in front of the church. On the way we ran into a few ladies from the relief society who were on their way to church.. The whole way there we talked and they thought we were going to the church with them to clean.. They were just a little shocked when three houses from the church we said goodbye and left them to walk the rest of the way.
At the house we found out our investigator wasn't there.. But there was a new family moving in ad we decided since we had no appointment we could help them out, so we did just that. In almost no time we had them all moved in and we left them with the promise that someday we'd return then made our way to the church to help clean.
In the church we were put on leaf raking duty with some kids.. They kids thought it was the most boring job on the planet, I was shocked and thought to myself "wow.. Could it be these kids have NEVER jumped in a pile of leaves after raking them?!" I made it my goal to change their lives forever!
After playing raking everything up I showed them how it was done.. They were reluctant to suppose throwing themselves into a pile of leaves would be fun so I changed it up a bit.. I had them throw one another into the pile of leaves and well.. After one ripped shirt, one broken name tag, a water fight and a lot of laughs me and my companion decided we should head home to change our clothes before our next visit.
That night we had a family home evening with a member family who we've been helping keep active the father. We had a great time and learned a lot. We had a great lesson (courtesy of yours truly) and then my companion just started to talk.. And talk.. And talk.. Till it was time for us to leave and go visit Hno. Martín, that appointment we put earlier in the day. I was just about to get us out of there on time when wouldn't you know it.. They brought us out food! My heart sank.
If there's one thing you don't belittle here it's members that are willing to feed you. I've been here in Guatemala for almost two years now and I'd say the average amount of times I've been given food by members was maybe twice a month. So we ate the food and started heading home at 9:10pm.
By the time we got to the tortillaria it was locked up and Hno. Martín was gone. We'd missed the appointment. I felt bad and while grieving my companion just said "I knew we weren't going to make that appointment from the moment you set it". I don't know how things went from there but you all know that from some of the most innocent words can start some of the biggest arguments. I feel bad having accused my companion of not caring about the less active but more than anything I felt so bad for having left Hno. Martín waiting so long.
(2:39am) I have a dream that the big bell boy is tapping on my shoulder to tell me I can't keep playing in the elevator and as I wake up I realize the tapping isn't a bell boy but a rat scratching at my back.. I shake my sheets and cover my head as the rat runs away. I really want to leave this house!
Sunday, March 1st, 2015
I bore my testimony in church. Everyone was teasing me cause it's the last fast Sunday in my mission.. I realize that from this point on EVERYTHING I do will now become "the last time.." I don't know if I like this. My companion reminded me today "just 17 days till you'll be in your home!" I feel like these 17 days are going to be very long and very annoying.
We got invited to lunch after church by some members.. They said its because I'm leaving and they wanted to invite us over before I left.. Even the MEMBERS are trying to kill me off! I'm not dead yet! But in all seriousness it was very delicious.. Except el mondongo.. I don't like mondongo.
Mondongo is cow stomach.. I made it through my WHOLE MISSION without eating it.. Until yesterday. I have to say though.. It was much better than the first time I had it, while playing fear factor in young men's, that time it was just plain stomach and at least yesterday it had a little meat flavor to it. (Still felt like I was eating a mixture of diaper and rubber band).
I forgot to mention that the less active from yesterday's story came to church and that everything turned out okay. We went to his house after church and dedicated his kitchen. So he forgave us for leaving him standing. My companion is going to have to learn the importance of being punctual the hard way I think... It's not one of his strong suits.
I can't really think of anything else... Oh yeah I got a headache again.. Not a migraine just a headache this time.. It was more just a nuisance than a stabbing pain. I feel like I've almost become numbed to headaches from all the migraines I've had in my life.
Monday, March 2nd, 2015
We'll that's today! Let's see what life brings!