Monday, May 4, 2015

My "Normal" Week

 This week has been one of pure madness. I am so, SO tired from being up all night. Do not worry, it's not because I'm partying all night or anything, I've just been staying up late to study... sometimes because I'm lazy but not always!

 This week I hope to improve my time distribution. Yes I have a schedule but that only helps me for my classes. I need to improve my distribution between socializing and studying... oh the world's problems... how I detest them.

 I've been enjoying my classes these last two weeks and I love them a lot. My favorite class has to be Software Development. Although I haven't done anything great, it's fun to write a code that makes the computer asks a question and then answer it depending on what you tell it. The last one I did was a code where the computer asks the temperature in Fahrenheit and when you input the temperature it converts it to Celsius... Pretty cool stuff!

 In addition to Software Development I love my social dance class. It is a class but basically I just have to practice dance steps with girls and I win the grade! How cool is that?! I love dancing and I love girls... therefore all is well in this class. In addition to this class I'm taking a workshop for the dance "Lindy Hop" which is a type of swing. It's difficult but so much fun!

 Besides study also I do other things... not many but some. We went to see the new Avengers movie (It's really good! I really liked it.) and I went to the temple on Saturday morning to help with baptisms.

 While I was baptizing a young man, his nose she started bleeding and we had to stop everything until they filtered all the water from the font. I felt bad for the kid, I also have to be careful with that. If the air is dry my nose can't take it and sometimes it will bleed. Luckily it was humid in Guatemala so I didn't have any problems there.

 I'm in the same apartment with my cousins and my brother which is fun. We have been wearing specific things on certain days of the week and we've been thinking of other days we might implement more... For example:
• "On Wednesdays, we wear pink" (from the movie "Mean Girls").

• Star Wars Fridays.

 We have met our home evening 'sisters' and these past two weeks we have gotten to know them pretty good. So far we have shared a dinner, had two "Bang! nights" (It's an Italian, old western themed game that you play with cards) and had two or three movie nights with them ... I think they like our apartment but it's hard to tell. All of you know me... and let's just say my cousins and brother are almost as weird as I am so for some people that's hard to handle before they actually get to know us.

 These last few days have been difficult for me. Those who know me from the mission know that every once in a while I'll lose my enthusiasm for a few days... Yesterday I lost it. I don't know why this happens to me but all the sudden I'll start to criticize myself a lot and get depressed. I call it "that time of the month" because it happens almost routinely... it's very strange. Luckily I ate lots of brownies with ice cream and three girls gave me hugs today so that helped a lot. Ice cream + hugs from girls = Happy!

 Well it's pretty late and I need to wake up early tomorrow so I'm signing off for today! I love you all!